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  /  Sober living   /  11 Surprising Benefits of Sobriety That Will Transform Your Life

11 Surprising Benefits of Sobriety That Will Transform Your Life

sobriety sucks

It’s much easier to stay financially fit when you’re sober. Besides saving all that money in the first place, you’ll be in a better state of mind to make good financial decisions. And having that extra cash opens up a whole world of new opportunities – you could decide to save for a house, take a vacation, or go back to school, for example.

The Downside of Sobriety: The 6 Things No One Tells You Might Happen If You Quit Drinking

When I’m alone on the train ride home, alone in my bed, or alone with my thoughts, anxious feelings that I chose to momentarily ignore manage to get all of my attention. I’m beginning to think that life may be a series of temporary events to get me through to the next one. It’s not hard to see why people get more done when being sober sucks they’re sober. When you’ve got high energy levels and lots of free time, it’s easier to stay focused on work, school, and personal projects. Sobriety is a general term for staying away from mood- and mind-altering substances, though there is no commonly agreed-upon medical definition in terms of what sobriety means.

Your diet improves.

  • Now that you are sober, you may have discovered that some of your past relationships were not only unhealthy but downright toxic.
  • Relapse rates for substance use addictions are around 40% to 60%.
  • It’s a subversive, hardcore choice to take your life into your own hands.
  • His area of interest is substance abuse and individual happiness.
  • When I drank, I used to have guaranteed periods of relief from stress and worries and a little alcoholic joy.
  • People new to recovery can find themselves approaching their new diet, exercise program, job, and even participation in support groups with a compulsion that echoes addiction.

As seen in Verywell, Healthline, Psych Central, Everyday Health, and Health.com, among others. Relapse (using substances again after stopping) can and does happen, with 85% of people experiencing relapse at least once and half of them doing so within the first two weeks of sobriety. Some studies find that this structure, along with a start date for sobriety and milestones, is important to some people in recovery. Becoming sober isn’t just about abstaining from alcohol. It’s a subversive, hardcore choice to take your life into your own hands. It’s an invitation to stop playing small.

sobriety sucks

Be Aware of Relapse Signs

Join Recovery Connection in celebrating your recovery with our sobriety calculator.

  • And I was walking down the street — I had my press pass on — and they tried to grab some kid, and he was like, “I’m with her.
  • Such symptoms are often related to mood and may include irritability, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and fatigue.
  • Nobody told me this side effect of long-term sobriety.
  • However, relationships within the family may have been impacted by substance misuse and therefore, require mending.
  • How you feel today — no matter how boring, stifling, angering, or depressing it may be — will be different tomorrow.

How to Get Sober: A Guide to Sobriety

She drinks, so she doesn’t have to feel any of it. Sobriety has been one of my life’s most humbling and illuminating experiences. The process, however, isn’t always comfortable.

Recovery Resources

sobriety sucks

It screws with our ability to make sound decisions, leading to risky and often embarrassing behavior. Occasionally, those bad decisions veer into the realm of irreparable damage to our relationships, health, or life. You will have days when you don’t necessarily make the strongest choices to improve your well-being or strengthen your recovery. No matter what happened yesterday or even five minutes ago, you can choose to be patient with yourself, reassess, and pivot as needed. You have the power to make changes that will improve your life, make sobriety more interesting, and connect with awesome people who can help you enjoy your life in recovery.

I love being sober

You’re an objective observer; you don’t get involved. I remember at the end of one night when the cops were in New York, the cops were just aggressing anybody and grabbing https://ecosoberhouse.com/ them off the street and arresting them. And I was walking down the street — I had my press pass on — and they tried to grab some kid, and he was like, “I’m with her.

  • Financial troubles and problems finding and keeping employment are major triggers for relapse, but it is possible to take baby steps and get your finances in order.
  • Sure, you still have to contend with your inner addict from time to time, but she can’t steamroll you like before.
  • ” I didn’t understand I could decline to answer or that I didn’t have to make sense to everyone.
  • If I still feel these horrible things in sobriety, something is wrong with ME.
  • I’d bet nine out of 10 of us won’t even answer, and we’ll just laugh because it’s such a ridiculous question.

How To Support Someone In Recovery: 6 Big Ways To Help

However, once you give up drinking or drugs, your life will change for the better in a multitude of ways. Whether you’re an addict or you are simply looking to improve your health, here are 14 reasons sobriety makes your life healthier, more fulfilling, and more fun. Developing a structured routine can help a person stick to their sobriety goals, make healthy decisions, and reduce the likelihood of triggers and relapse.

  • I like the idea of being a new kind of person and trying to articulate what that is and what our relationships will look like, what sexuality looks like, what gender looks like.
  • As you get going, keep a simple chart or use an app that tracks your progress.
  • Now, not every program or therapy approach will work for you.
  • Most people who make their way into recovery have left a lot of pain and suffering in their wake.
  • You have fewer cravings, and you’re not surrounded by temptations like bar food.

How to Stay Sober

I just told my wife what to think and when to think it. I ignored her frustration with me, and rather, focussed on all the things that made me frustrated about her. Now, I consider her physical and emotional wellbeing before suggesting physical contact. What a waste of my perfectly good perpetual horniness. I blame all this damn listening I am doing now in sobriety. Since when do other humans possess perspectives worth considering?

sobriety sucks

Being sober sucks

The first step to getting sober is recognizing and admitting that you have a problem with drug or alcohol misuse. This is typically the most challenging part. It’s difficult to admit that you have lost control over your substance use. Sobriety is a process, and setbacks are common. The best way forward for your recovery from alcohol or substance use is to incorporate a wide variety of strategies that will help foster success.

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